Countering Mundo, that's what we'll be walking about today :)
Lets start off with some general tips and then a certain champion that counters Mundo.
IGNITE! This counter Mundo's ult very well, use it!
Cleanse. This summoner spell is very useful because it allows you to save yourself from Mundo's Cleaver Chaining.
Start out with Boots early, they will help you dodge his cleavers early game, which is very important.
Rush Executioner's Calling against Mundo, they will inflict grievous wounds, and make it hard for Mundo's passive and ultimate to work well.
Champion Counter:
Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge
Gangplank is a surprisingly good counterpick to Mundo, think about it,
Gangplank's strongest point is 1-3 which happens to be Mundo's weakest point.
Gangplank has "Oranges" which allow him to get away from cleavers and stop Mundo from chaining them.
After Gangplank gets Iceborn Gauntlets, he will be able to kite very hard, you see, the thing with playing Gangplank against Mundo is that you need to kite Mundo, not engage him! Iceborn gauntlets will allow you to do this very well.
Item order and build with Gangplank (against Mundo):
Summoner Spells:
Ignite+Cleanse(or Ghost)
Items (in order):
Boots of Mobility ==> Executioner's Calling ==> Iceborn Gauntlets ==> Sheen ==> Ravenous Hydra
Keep checking the blog for more content! :)
League of the Veteran (But also for noobs!)
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Top Noobstomper Champions
Akali, the Fist of Shadow
Darius, the Hand of Noxus
Fizz, the Tidal Trickster
Poppy, the Iron Ambassador
Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman
Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms
Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal
Tryndamere, the Barbarian King
Darius, the Hand of Noxus
Fizz, the Tidal Trickster
Poppy, the Iron Ambassador
Master Yi, the Wuju Bladesman
Jax, the Grandmaster at Arms
Mordekaiser, the Master of Metal
Tryndamere, the Barbarian King
Tuesday, January 21, 2014
You Shall Not Pass (Lane Denial- Heimerdinger)
Let's get started with part two of the You Shall Not Pass Lane Denial Series!
This time's champion:
First off, turret placement is not so hard, just place behind the "endings of the river".
But, the real question with Heimerdinger is which UPRGRADE!!!! to use (we'll just refer to it as "upgrade").
There are three options here, the Shock Grenade, the Micro-Rockets, and the turret.
The Shock grenade is situational at best, and useless at worst, only use the upgraded shock grenade when low on health and escaping back into the turret. Use Micro-rockets upgraded only when the enemy is LOW on health. The upgraded turret though, is great and should be used a lot. The reasons for this is because it is a GREAT lane denier.
Here is a build:
Summoner Spells:
Doran's ring ==> Deathfire Grasp ==> Rabadon's Deathcap ==> Zhonya's Hourglass ==> Liandry's Torment or Guardian Angel (situational) or Banshee's Veil (situational).
Check back next time for more You Shall Not Pass!
Three Things Every Good Player Must Do
1. Last Hit
Last hitting is important because it gives you gold for the minion kill. In addition, you receive experience for the kill.
2. Counterpick
Counterpicking is extremely important, though more so at higher levels, it is still very important.
For example, a good counterpick to Akali is Renekton.
3. Have a jungler.
A jungler is extremely important and can save the day, make sure your team has a jungler or if not, cover for it yourself!
Satisfaction Garenteed
Today we'll be talking about a great and easy to use champion, Garen, the Might of Demacia.
Let's start off with his abilities.
NOTE: His abilities are limited only by cooldowns. (He has no mana)
First of all, lets start with his best known ability, his E, Judgment.
Basically, just Spin2Win :D.
The basic ways to use judgment is to use it to clear minions and to chase, when chasing, you an use Garen's E, Judgment, to deal continuous damage. (Note: This is only when your Q, Decisive Strike is on cooldown)
Maximize a combination of your Q and E, start with Q first, then E, and then W.
Garen's Q is Decisive Strike, during the duration of his active Q, he cannot be slowed, he gains movement speed and his first attack will deal bonus damage and silence the enemy hit. This is one of Garen's two bread-and-butter abilities. Max it first and his E next.
Finally his R, Demacian Justice is best used when chasing an opponent with very low health, use it to finish him off!
Skill order:
Start with Q, then E, then W, then Q, then E, then R, then E, then Q, then Q, then W, then, W, then R (etc.)
Items: (priority from left to right)
Sunfire Cape+ Ravenous Hydra+ Warmog's Armor/Spirit Visage+ Thornmail or Atma's Impaler+ Randuin's Omen+ Maw of Malmortius
Let's start off with his abilities.
NOTE: His abilities are limited only by cooldowns. (He has no mana)
First of all, lets start with his best known ability, his E, Judgment.
Basically, just Spin2Win :D.
The basic ways to use judgment is to use it to clear minions and to chase, when chasing, you an use Garen's E, Judgment, to deal continuous damage. (Note: This is only when your Q, Decisive Strike is on cooldown)
Maximize a combination of your Q and E, start with Q first, then E, and then W.
Garen's Q is Decisive Strike, during the duration of his active Q, he cannot be slowed, he gains movement speed and his first attack will deal bonus damage and silence the enemy hit. This is one of Garen's two bread-and-butter abilities. Max it first and his E next.
Finally his R, Demacian Justice is best used when chasing an opponent with very low health, use it to finish him off!
Skill order:
Start with Q, then E, then W, then Q, then E, then R, then E, then Q, then Q, then W, then, W, then R (etc.)
Items: (priority from left to right)
Sunfire Cape+ Ravenous Hydra+ Warmog's Armor/Spirit Visage+ Thornmail or Atma's Impaler+ Randuin's Omen+ Maw of Malmortius
Guide to Viktory
Today we'll be talking about a champion known as
Viktor, the Machine Herald
Without further ado, lets jump right into the abilities, his passive is Evolving Technology, which allows you to Augment one of Viktor's non-ultimate abilities for 1000 gold, his passive also gives you AP per level.
There are two main builds for Viktor, one is the Augment: Power build, which revolves around Viktor's Q, Power Transfer, and the Augment: Death build which focuses on Viktor's E, Death Ray.
Which should you choose?
By a long shot, the Augment: Death build, Viktor's E, Viktor's Death Ray is one of the highest non-ultimate abilities in the game.
Passive: Augment: Death
Use Q to last hit and harass, can also be used to save yourself when running due to the shield.
W: Viktor's W, Gravity Field, is a very strong ability when used properly, activate when chasing or running, in fact, the stun from Gravity Field can sometimes turn the tide of the engagement and you can actually kill the enemy when they are stunned!
E: Viktor's E, Death Ray is basically what he IS! This ability has huge burst and is Viktor's bread and butter ability. Learning how to land Viktor's death rays is crucial, at the same time however, it requires patience, play a lot against bots with Viktor to learn to land his E.
R: Viktor's ultimate, Chaos Storm is usually best used in teamfights where you can do a lot of damage, it can also be re-directed for 7 seconds when active, so be sure to take advantage of this and move it around when beneficial!
Summoner Spells:
Ignite+ Flash/Ghost
Items: Start with Boots of Mobility, then get Augment: Death, and Liandry's Torment,
Items: Sorcerer's Shoes+ Lich Bane+ Athene's Unholy Grail+ Liandry's Torment+ Rabadon's Deathcap+ Zhonya's Hourglass.
Viktor, the Machine Herald
Without further ado, lets jump right into the abilities, his passive is Evolving Technology, which allows you to Augment one of Viktor's non-ultimate abilities for 1000 gold, his passive also gives you AP per level.
There are two main builds for Viktor, one is the Augment: Power build, which revolves around Viktor's Q, Power Transfer, and the Augment: Death build which focuses on Viktor's E, Death Ray.
Which should you choose?
By a long shot, the Augment: Death build, Viktor's E, Viktor's Death Ray is one of the highest non-ultimate abilities in the game.
Passive: Augment: Death
Use Q to last hit and harass, can also be used to save yourself when running due to the shield.
W: Viktor's W, Gravity Field, is a very strong ability when used properly, activate when chasing or running, in fact, the stun from Gravity Field can sometimes turn the tide of the engagement and you can actually kill the enemy when they are stunned!
E: Viktor's E, Death Ray is basically what he IS! This ability has huge burst and is Viktor's bread and butter ability. Learning how to land Viktor's death rays is crucial, at the same time however, it requires patience, play a lot against bots with Viktor to learn to land his E.
R: Viktor's ultimate, Chaos Storm is usually best used in teamfights where you can do a lot of damage, it can also be re-directed for 7 seconds when active, so be sure to take advantage of this and move it around when beneficial!
Summoner Spells:
Ignite+ Flash/Ghost
Items: Start with Boots of Mobility, then get Augment: Death, and Liandry's Torment,
Items: Sorcerer's Shoes+ Lich Bane+ Athene's Unholy Grail+ Liandry's Torment+ Rabadon's Deathcap+ Zhonya's Hourglass.
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