Tuesday, January 21, 2014

You Shall Not Pass (Lane Denial- Heimerdinger)

Let's get started with part two of the You Shall Not Pass Lane Denial Series!
This time's champion:
First off, turret placement is not so hard, just place behind the "endings of the river".
But, the real question with Heimerdinger is which UPRGRADE!!!! to use (we'll just refer to it as "upgrade").
There are three options here, the Shock Grenade, the Micro-Rockets, and the turret.
The Shock grenade is situational at best, and useless at worst, only use the upgraded shock grenade when low on health and escaping back into the turret. Use Micro-rockets upgraded only when the enemy is LOW on health. The upgraded turret though, is great and should be used a lot. The reasons for this is because it is a GREAT lane denier.

Here is a build:
Summoner Spells:
Doran's ring ==> Deathfire Grasp ==> Rabadon's Deathcap ==> Zhonya's Hourglass ==> Liandry's Torment or Guardian Angel (situational) or Banshee's Veil (situational).

Check back next time for more You Shall Not Pass!

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