Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Mundo Shall No Longer Go Where He Pleases

Countering Mundo, that's what we'll be walking about today :)
Lets start off with some general tips and then a certain champion that counters Mundo.
IGNITE! This counter Mundo's ult very well, use it!
Cleanse. This summoner spell is very useful because it allows you to save yourself from Mundo's Cleaver Chaining.
Start out with Boots early, they will help you dodge his cleavers early game, which is very important.
Rush Executioner's Calling against Mundo, they will inflict grievous wounds, and make it hard for Mundo's passive and ultimate to work well.

Champion Counter:
Gangplank, the Saltwater Scourge
Gangplank is a surprisingly good counterpick to Mundo, think about it,
Gangplank's strongest point is 1-3 which happens to be Mundo's weakest point.
Gangplank has "Oranges" which allow him to get away from cleavers and stop Mundo from chaining them.

After Gangplank gets Iceborn Gauntlets, he will be able to kite very hard, you see, the thing with playing Gangplank against Mundo is that you need to kite Mundo, not engage him! Iceborn gauntlets will allow you to do this very well.

Item order and build with Gangplank (against Mundo):
Summoner Spells:
Ignite+Cleanse(or Ghost)

Items (in order):
Boots of Mobility ==> Executioner's Calling ==> Iceborn Gauntlets ==> Sheen ==> Ravenous Hydra

Keep checking the blog for more content! :)

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