Swain is a powerful champion for a reason, he can boast something few other mid lane champions can; tankiness. When ulting, Swain actually has a little bit of tankiness. Other than that, Swain has powerful non-ultimate abilities.
Talon is currently a very good counter to most mid lanes, his burst damage is very high, and if fed, which is likely, he can really dominate the game.
3. Kayle, the Judicator
Kayle is very strong with her ability to use both ranged and melee ablitlies.
4. Syndra, the Dark Sovereign
Syndra was underpowered on release, now however, she is extremely strong, her ultimate does an immense amount of damage, though extremely squishy, she has an escape mechanic with her E. In the hands of a skilled player, she can get fed easily and will use her passive to devastating effect.
5. Brand, the Burning Vengeance
Brand is an extremely strong champion, his high damage output is bolstered by the insane amount of damage he can do when the enemy is stunned by his Q, his Q, when stunning, can also be use as an escape mechanism.
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