Today we'll be talking about a great and easy to use champion, Garen, the Might of Demacia.
Let's start off with his abilities.
NOTE: His abilities are limited only by cooldowns. (He has no mana)
First of all, lets start with his best known ability, his E, Judgment.
Basically, just Spin2Win :D.
The basic ways to use judgment is to use it to clear minions and to chase, when chasing, you an use Garen's E, Judgment, to deal continuous damage. (Note: This is only when your Q, Decisive Strike is on cooldown)
Maximize a combination of your Q and E, start with Q first, then E, and then W.
Garen's Q is Decisive Strike, during the duration of his active Q, he cannot be slowed, he gains movement speed and his first attack will deal bonus damage and silence the enemy hit. This is one of Garen's two bread-and-butter abilities. Max it first and his E next.
Finally his R, Demacian Justice is best used when chasing an opponent with very low health, use it to finish him off!
Skill order:
Start with Q, then E, then W, then Q, then E, then R, then E, then Q, then Q, then W, then, W, then R (etc.)
Items: (priority from left to right)
Sunfire Cape+ Ravenous Hydra+ Warmog's Armor/Spirit Visage+ Thornmail or Atma's Impaler+ Randuin's Omen+ Maw of Malmortius
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